
Random Acts of Kindness

Categories: Recent News

Viking Celebrates 25 Year Anniversary with Random Acts of Kindness Challenge

As Viking celebrates 25 years in business, we wanted to also give back to some great charities in the Charlotte community. During the celebration we distributed $10 to nearly 300 attendees, with a Random Acts of Kindness Challenge to donate it to a charity, help out someone you know, or even a stranger in need. Below are some stories of impact that a number of you shared with us. We are so inspired and grateful to each of you!

Small Acts. Big Impact.

“I work in Salisbury NC, downtown location and there’s a homeless male that sits on a bench outside of the local grocery store a few doors down from our office. His name is James Heilig. He is an artist and I mean that sincerely. He is gifted! Joseph meets people all day long and make some cash by drawing. Typically he takes family photos and draws them out in pencil. We hired him last year to make a Christmas card for our company and it was fabulous. I have a relationship with him and provide clothing to him 2 times/year. I also buy him lunch from time to time. Telling him what you were doing and giving him a $10 was timely and good. He will use it well.  Thanks again, this was a terrific idea.”  – Steve

“I noticed the young lady ahead of me in the checkout line was buying a lot of school supplies and I asked her if she was a teacher and she said, “yes, I’m buying supplies for my students.”  I gave my $10.00 to her because I knew she was using her own money for the supplies.”  – Susan

“We doubled our $20 that you gave us at the party and donated $40 to Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays, two of our favorite local charities.” – Sylvia & Buddy

“Gave to an Uber driver in NYC who is trying to make ends meet for his family.” – Laura

“We went to a party and my wife’s van got stuck in some mud where we parked. I flagged down a teenager on an atv and he was super helpful. My young kids were scared but this teenager was very respectful and helped me pull my family vehicle out of a jam so we could be on our way with minimal delay. He tried to refuse a “tip” but I told him what I was doing and said if he wasn’t comfortable accepting this act of kindness then he should pass it on too. That got him to agree and accept.  Great idea guys!”  – Jeff

“While uptown in Charlotte today, I came across a disabled homeless man that needed some kindness and compassion.  He was so appreciative of my random act of kindness!” – Tangela

“Gave it to a homeless man standing at the intersection of Tyvola and South Boulevard.” – Brian

“I had my $10.00 in my purse waiting for an opportunity to come my way! I was driving in downtown Highlands, NC and the men representing the local Shriner’s association were asking for donations. I gave the man my $10.00 along with the note that was attached and told him I was given this to pass along! He was so appreciative. It will definitely help a young boy or girl in their local community. Thank you!” – Jennifer

Thanks to all you who have participated in the challenge. Click the button below and share how you used your $10.


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